Tuesday, November 3, 2009


एहसासों के बीच
खामोशी क्यों ये छाई  है
सवालो के घेरे  में
वही रात आई है.
चुप है जुबान
कहती बहुत कुछ आंखे  है
थमी हुई से धड़कने
सहमी हुई सी ये सांसे है....
क्या शिकवा शिकायत
किस से करे
रूठ के अपनों से
भला हम कैसे जीये......
हार कर अपना दिल
लुटा दिया ये जहाँ सारा
मगर आज इस मज्दह्र में
न दिल रहा न कोई सहारा......
वफ़ा हम ने की
पर बेवफा वो बी न थे
फिर क्यों ये मोड़ आया की 
हम उन के और वो हमारे न रहे......
एहसासों के बीच
खामोशी क्यों ये छाई है
सवालों के घेरे में
फिर वाहे रात आयी है.......

Monday, October 26, 2009


बंजारों की भूमी है ये मरुधर
कब यहाँ कोई टिक पिएगा
जब मिलेगी नयी उमीदें
वहीँ ये रास्ता छोड़ जायेगा
हम कौन तुम्हरे, तुम कौन हमारे
सारे नामो निशा, पीछे छूट जायेगा
बंजारों की भूमी है ये मरुधर
कल कोई और आएगा
फिर नयी ज़िन्दगी बसायेगा...........


मरुधर लगता कितना सुखा सा
फिर भी लेकर जीवन के हर रूप
हर रोज़ नया रंग तुझको मुझको
हर कदम पर दिखाता रहा.
हाल क्या बयां कर्रे मरुधर
कठोर बन, सिखाने कुछ ख़ास तुझको मुझको
की जीना यू तो आसन नहीं
पर अम्रुधर में जो जी गया
उस ने जीवन का अमृत है पाया

Friday, September 18, 2009


Secrets of life.

Secrets of life,
And a journey to cover,
With unknown world,
Unsolved mysteries are to be solved.
With pace of time,
Hearts are to be won.
Secrets of life,
And a journey to cover.

Long are those ways,
Full of thorns are those paths.
Still with a living hope,
With some silence,
And lots of realizations,
Steps are to be taken,
Slowly yet steadily,
To achieve those flowers.
Secrets of life,
And a journey to cover.

The chapters of life,
Begins with some secrets.
There is room for privacy,
In every corner of this heart.
The world is to be kept away from
What I know and what they don’t.
May be that’s the way
To keep alive
Secrets of life,
And a journey to cover.




On this lovely evening,
In the dull light of nature,
I am going through my way,
Just going towards my future venture.
On the eve of this darkness in my life,
I am singing and rejoicing,
For what I have received,
A lonely heart,
In this lonely evening,
Of this life.
Searching for a soul friend,
With some feelings,
Which none can understand,
Crying for a companion,
Who is not mine.
Thinking that my turning in life,
May bring joy,
To that man’s heart,
Who has stolen my heart.
So far I will go,
I may not return,
For I know that sweetheart,
Don’t want this broken heart,
Be happy dear,
For I will not come back,
Enjoy your life,
For which I have changed my track,
I am going to forget
everything about you,
for I will not come back,
be happy dear stranger,
for I will not come back.


A Thought

See the air is blowing to and fro,
And my heart is swinging up and down,
Hiding behind these dark clouds,
Look the sun is laughing at me now,
In search of my dreams, and
In search of the realities,
In search of unreached destinations,
Life is not as easy as it seems.
These are the areas of deserts,
Where life changes and keeps on changing,
With the changing directions of wind.
It is so typical to be a part like this,
Where I am a stranger,
Somewhere lost in the midst of
These sandy dusty storms.
The path is not at all clear,
And what else can I expect on this way,
Where you are alone,
And the life is so mysterious,
Making you feel something serious,
Testing your strength at every turn.
But I am sure, none can stop me,
Because I know my goal is calling me.
And this hiding sun will surely come up,
With new hopes and new desires,
I will have to search my way,
I am ready to do, whatever my situations say.
Whether the air may be blowing too and fro,
Whether the sun may be laughing at me,
But I am sure none can stop me,
And I am sure none can stop me.

never wait


As I was about to move,
I came across a face,
A wonderful face.
Though it had wrinkles,
The mark of ages,
Experiences of life,
Were shining bright.
I stopped and bowed respect,
In hope of some blessing,
But to my wonder,
Alas! There was no one,
When I looked up,
The face had gone,
By the time I realized to bow,
It was too late, I know.
I turned astonished,
With a mystery on my mind,
Slowly I resume to my move,
Still in thought of what happened,
It was nothing, just a lesson,
But everything the face gifted me.
A state of consciousness,
A blessing with difference,
Which said never to expect,
Never to wait.
There is no one waiting,
For you to realize,
For you to wake up.
See the world is running,
And you are just moving.
There is no give and take,
What one should know,
Is to give give and give.
Who is there for you?
None, other than you,
Who is there to care?
For whatever you do.
Time is flowing,
Without a single pause,
Why I need to stand for a personal blow,
When the wind is blowing,
Where everybody is sleeping,
While the world is running,
You just have to move on dear.
Never compare,
Never declare,
Don’t waste moments,
For a day will suddenly come,
To take you off,
With a relief,
And will say, “that’s the end”
“That’s the end”.


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