Friday, September 18, 2009

never wait


As I was about to move,
I came across a face,
A wonderful face.
Though it had wrinkles,
The mark of ages,
Experiences of life,
Were shining bright.
I stopped and bowed respect,
In hope of some blessing,
But to my wonder,
Alas! There was no one,
When I looked up,
The face had gone,
By the time I realized to bow,
It was too late, I know.
I turned astonished,
With a mystery on my mind,
Slowly I resume to my move,
Still in thought of what happened,
It was nothing, just a lesson,
But everything the face gifted me.
A state of consciousness,
A blessing with difference,
Which said never to expect,
Never to wait.
There is no one waiting,
For you to realize,
For you to wake up.
See the world is running,
And you are just moving.
There is no give and take,
What one should know,
Is to give give and give.
Who is there for you?
None, other than you,
Who is there to care?
For whatever you do.
Time is flowing,
Without a single pause,
Why I need to stand for a personal blow,
When the wind is blowing,
Where everybody is sleeping,
While the world is running,
You just have to move on dear.
Never compare,
Never declare,
Don’t waste moments,
For a day will suddenly come,
To take you off,
With a relief,
And will say, “that’s the end”
“That’s the end”.



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